Hideo Kojima is Working on Metal Gear Solid 5

Guess whose sneaking back with his cardboard box, Hideo Kojima!  For those who don’t know who he is, he is the creator and director of a number of successful video games, including the Metal Gear series, Snatcher, and Policenauts, and also produced both the Zone of the Enders and Boktai series. Kojima is consistently named by fans and industry experts alike as being one of the most influential and innovative video game directors and writers in the industry.

Seems he opened up to the Playstation Official Magazine UK  as he openly discusses his plans for Metal Gear Solid 5 and Project Ogre for the first time.  He also gives his open opinions on Metal Gear Solid Rising – the first Metal Gear he’s neither written nor directed.

The issue hits UK stores on November 29th. If you’re an iPad or iPhone user with the Newsstand app, you can have it delivered direct to your device (with a discount on the cover price) on release day with their digital subscription.


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