Tag Archives: hanging out

Hang Out with Felicia Day in Celebration of Dragon Age: Redemption Episode

In celebration of her new Dragon Age: Redemption web episode, starting now, you can start a hangout on Google+!  When you do, post on Felicia Day’s G+ page with the link, and she’ll potentially stop by and answer questions about the show and can even pose for a photo that you can screencap and post later!  She will give preference for larger hangouts so gather up some buddies or make the jump into other people’s hangout!

“Hanging out” is basically Google+ method of socializing through a web chat.  To see her new web episode, look no further than to YouTube for the Dragon Age: Redemption episode found below.

Felicia Day is a professional actress who has appeared in many TV shows and movies.   Check her IMDB page or Wikipedia page for a full list of credits.

Felicia is most well-known for her acting in web video; in Joss Whedon’s epic internet musical “Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog” and in her own show that she writes, stars in and co-produces, “The Guild”.
She is also an avid social networking fan, most prominently on Twitter.
For more press, contact information and her blog check out her website http://feliciaday.com.

