Tag Archives: arrested development

Netflix Promotes the Return of Arrested Development with a Search Easter Egg

Now that it’s 2013, Netflix wants to remind folks about one of it’s most anticipated, exclusive streaming deals: the next season of Arrested Development.

All you have to do is search for the word “blue” and scroll down your results list. Click on the blue hand print and discover the reference.

The entire new season arrives this May. Look out for it on the calendar.

Source: The Bluth Company Tumblr

Fox Resurrecting Arrested Development For Another Season Before Movie

The beloved and quirky Bluth family will make a return to Fox’s TV lineup for a forth season. Speculation was put to rest through tweets by both Jason Bateman and Will Arnett. The upcoming season will reunite fans for 10 episodes and build up to to the crtically acclaimed show’s big screen adaptation. We’ve seen modern TV series hit the big screen before (Simpsons), but is this move too risky for a show that was given the axe? Have fans already moved on or has the flame been reignited since episodes were made accessible on streaming services like Netflix, Amazon Prime, iTunes, and of course DVD?
