The Long Beach Comic Convention held its inaugural Masquerade Ball hosted by Mike Shields. Contestants showcased well crafted costumes in an effort to impress a small panel of judges. There were numerous awards given for different categories. Costumes included:
- Gothic Toy Box
- Alice in Wonderland
- Devilman
- Indiana Jones
- Monarch Henchman
- Captain America
- Green Lantern
- Halo Spartan – Benedict Choy
- Bellatrix Lestrange
- Dark Phoenix & Deadpool – Amanda & Greg
- Princess Eilonwy – Amy Brown
- Kick-Ass
- Steamfunk (Steampunk + 70’s Funk mashup)
- Velociraptor – Rene Carmel
- Wonder Woman
- Chekov, Sulu, Dr. MCcoy
Mike Shields did a fantastic job of keeping the crowd entertained and the show moving. We look forward to seeing him continuing this event as a tradition at the Long Beach Comic Convention.
Here is footage of the show